Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My 25th post!

25 is a milestone for many things so I at least had to mention that this is my 25th post. It only took 4 months but I made it. Here is a toast to 25 more long and irrelevant blog posts from me.

So Friday went well. I was nervous about the graduation dinner/ "wives on display" event. It wasnt as bad as I thought. Still really awkward knowing that these men who said "I have heard so much about you" truly mean that. More than they ever should know. I actually enjoyed meeting these guys that Billy has made a point to tell me about every week. I felt like I knew them personally. I know that Craigs Dad owns a company and he is Italian and likes his trophy women, and then there is "bouncy ball" guy who throws bouncy balls around the classroom (let me just remind you grown man with a wife and children), or Mikey who they call "Golden Arm" because he knows everything. I really like these guys because they remind me of all the class clowns I have ever been entertained by in one room at one time. It was definitely an exciting evening. It was an open bar, 5 course meal which was excellent prime rib, shrimp, dessert assortment. The only thing I could not understand is why they would "experiment" on giving a bunch of plumbers a soup called "cold melon soup". Can we just say super gross. It looked like pureed watermelon in soup form. I guarantee you that the majority of it was not eaten because as everyone took the first bite you can actually here 200 people go "ew." These are plumbers, cream of chicken, cream of potato, minestrone, or anything with beef in it. Hopefully they learned their lesson.
I am actually really proud of him. He worked hard and he has definitely come a long way. He actually feels confident in this field which he had previously never found his niche. Now we just have to get him to pass the state licensing exam. This is something that I am semi scared about because he doesnt test well. He gets nervous and the numbers tend to get jumbled up in his brain. A recipe for disaster. I have been trying to prepare him for the fact that he needs to take his time and there is no rush. We will see.

Last thing..... kitchen is alot done. Home Depot measured wrong and so we need to wait on two cabinets but other than that we just have a solid days work left. Which is really a gigantic feat. I think our friends hate us now though because we did end up working them all weekend. I dont think they have even an inkling of how greatful we are. We are getting them some nice gift certificates and fed them well all weekend so between those things and them always knowing that we are willing to help whenever maybe we wont forever be indebt to them. All though it would be deserved.

Friday, May 26, 2006

the 21st century smoke break

I have been kickin some butt on my work today and getting alot done so I thought I would take a 5 minute blogger break. Michelle (my lovable head honcho) I really am working hard today so dont worry!

Here is my current pressing issue. Is this a normal phenomenon with men. The minute you start treating them nice and letting your guard down they crap on you. This is with all men I believe. I have been super nice and loving my husband lately. I have been extra patient with things that normally drive me nuts, said nice things, gone out of my way to do chores that are normally his for him, bought him extra special lunches for work when I run to the store, AND.....uh....other stuff..... All things that normally he just eats up and enjoys tremendously.
Why is it that I have been doing these things and now he is just down right taking advantage of me. He is buying lunch everday (an on going battle related to the outrageous cost of fast food in downtown chicago). I bought him a 12 inch roast beef sub loaded with mayonnaise and crap on it and he said this morning "oh I didnt like the way it looked." Now if you know my husband you know that food does not go past his mouth without him eating it. An example....He takes every leftover from the fridge and on Saturday morning puts it into an omelette. Im talking lots of old food that doesnt go together and calls it delicious. There has been an ongoing joke with his family that Billy doesnt have tastebuds. So explain how a fresh 12 inch roast beef sub was not looking right.
Then he calls me and says well my foreman and a couple of the guys are leaving early but I dont have to. He then asks the single dumbest question I may have ever heard "Do we need 40 hours this week?" Hmmmm..let me see, no the last time I checked we had a few million sitting around and I heard that the mortgage company is now accepting compliments and encouraging words as payment so no, we dont need to have 40 hours this week. I tried to, again patiently, reason with him by saying well you took off a day two weeks ago and memorial day you wont get paid. His response: well if they all leave then I am leaving. Why ask?! You knew what you wanted to do and the only point in asking me was to have me annoyed by you the rest of the day.
We have a date tonight so my hope is that I can once again continue my patience but not much is left. I may have to beat him with the fresh 12 inch roast beef sub.
Maybe I am just cranky. Stop it Em, your crabbiness is rubbing off on me.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What a show last night for American Idol. Out of those two I definitely think Taylor was the better choice. Katherine has a decent voice and has the potential to go far but I still think that Taylor has the better stage personality AND talent. The highlights of the show last night wasnt even the revealing of the winner though. It was the guest appearances like Prince and Live that made the show. Meatloaf was creepy singing that song with Katherine so that portion I wish to delete from my memory (not to mention his voice was suckin it up big time). I also enjoyed the return of the tryout rejects from the beginning like the cowboys and the Clay Aiken stalker guy. It was over all a very entertaining show.

Tomorrow night is Billy's big graduation dinner at the Union Hall. Yipppee... now I get to face all of the guys that for years he has bragged about his wife to. He has told them entirely too much information and now I feel like I have to live up to this. I guess none of the stuff has been a lie but it is more like he has really painted a picture that I feel like leaves out my flaws. Honestly in my husbands eyes he really does believe that I am the "total package" but I guess it is just my own self esteem issues coming out. He tells me what he says and I am incredibly flattered yet embarrassed all the same. Things like she is an awesome softball player, she loves sports, she has a beautiful curvy body (maybe more in pig headed guy terms), she is sooo smart (he is really attracted to brains), she is getting her masters, she manages our finances great yadda, yadda, yadda. So are you seeing where the anxiety lies. Yes they are true to an extent but he has really painted this flawless picture of me. Oh well all I can do is go and be me.
We will probably go to a movie afterwards though which is exciting since it has been since last year that I have gone to a movie.
Anyways I am just thankful that I have a family who loves me and thinks highly of me. It is a blessing that I thank God for everyday.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the shortest post you will likely see from me

Just wanted to check in but nothing new. Today is the 3 year anniversary. Yippee. I love him and I cant wait for 3 or even 30 more. We just have been clicking as a family lately. I dont know what that is about but I am just really happy with him. Ask me tomorrow my answer could change.....

Well ta ta for now.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I showered this weekend!

Leave it to me to have the corny titles. Well this weekend was enough showers to last me a lifetime. Dont get me wrong they both were great. Everybody seemed to have a good time and the guests of honor seemed to be happy so I guess things went well, I just think I ran myself non stop from Friday night until last night at 8:30. I pretty much just slept at my house. It definitely took a toll on my because my husband gave me the greatest early anniversary gift......a full blown, sneezy, snotty cold. I just want to go back home and go to bed. I cant do that though because I have already missed too much work for other issues in life so there really isnt any time for me to be sick. That is it for the complaining. I dont think I am dying so I need to just suck it up and move on. I think Billy thinks I am playing softball tonight which if he does he has another thing coming. I am sick and tired and I just want to go home and rest after work and hang out with my Emma.
Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary!!! We probably wont do much of anything since there is a softball game tomorrow night too. I think we will celebrate in a couple of weeks when life dies down a little. The major issue is a babysitter. We have tapped out the majority of our babysitters so it isnt easy to find someone. We also have the issue of we really dont spend enough time with Emma with school and work so the nights we could go out we prefer to be with our little girl. Most nights we are perfectly content hanging out the three of us. Friends are great and all but we love just being together as a family. We have the best time together hanging out. I think about how lucky we are to love eachother so much and it gets me thinking and praying about families who arent as fortunate. Billy and I fight but for the most part we are happy to be around eachother and recognize eachother as the greatest blessings in eachothers lives. We can entertain eachother for hours just by goofing off or playing a game together, or going for walks. This all happened pre-Emma so now she just adds the fun. I think about families who cant stand eachother or are divorced or on the verge of it and think about what went wrong. How is it that you plan a wedding go in front of witnesses and say till death do us part and then you decide that ummm..... this just isnt working and we need to separate. That separation can be even more detrimental if there are children involved. Divorce to me (unless there is an abuse situation going on) is a selfish decision because it says that I am unwilling to work this out and go through the grueling ordeal of making it right. Sometimes it is harder to stay than to go but so what. You said yes so stick it out and make it work. I recognize that my view stems from the fact that I dont think divorce should be an option or a right. My view is based on the faith that if God can move mountains with faith and prayer he can surely make your marriage work. I am sure that some people right now would be livid with my view and I can accept that. It is funny because it is a very rigid viewpoint for me. I live in the gray area with most stuff. I normally am not strongly opinionated on many things but this I am.

Okay didnt expect to go there with this post......sorry for the tangebnt. Dont send me too much hate mail.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

getting in my head............

I was talking with a friend about my blog and got to thinking. Why do I blog? I think people blog for all different reasons. Many use it as a daily activity log, others do deep thinking (deeper than I can fathom), others advertise, many just use it as journals. I think my reason is mainly the journaling but I feel like it is getting out all of the things going on in my head at that moment. Very therapeutic for me I guess. I keep wondering am I revealing too much of my deepest darkest thoughts? Will people think I am nuts? Am I losing my mysteriousness by letting people get inside my head. My head is a scary place to be. My blog is mainly for my friends and with a particular friend it is like written indirect communication because we seem to make reference to eachother and our blog posts in our individual blogs. BUT....anyone is able and more than welcome to read it and that is what actually adds the excitement. Someone might see it is really what keeps it intriguing.

Right now life is good. I have this new irrational thought for the day. What if Emma was my miracle and now that I am considering another what if I will have fertility problems the second time around?! Honestly no part of that is warranted. I have no symptoms of infertility, if anything having a baby has helped regulate...um.......things. I just have this fear that I have been waiting all this time and when the time comes to try it wont happen for me. The thought hadnt really occurred to me until recently. I imagine as many of my irrational thoughts thoughm that this will too pass by the end of the day just in time for me to have a new one for tomorrow hence why I continue to have a blog. Irrational thoughts=venting blogs.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

graduation, Idol, gossip......

So I officially feel like the biggest slacker ever. A girl in my office is graduating with her Masters degree. I am abosolutely HAPPY for her no doubt but envious all the same. We actually had our undergrad graduation party together and now she has finished and I am STILL going to class. Woe is me........:( I will be done one day though. I just have to keep on truckin'. It will be very much worth it in the end.

And the Idol upset. It truly was upsetting. I dont care what Em says Chris Daughtry was the next American Idol and he was robbed! I would like to let him know that I will buy his CD once its comes out. He will be successful regardless and I truly think that Katherine McPhee needs to be repacking her bags because she WILL be going home next week. If I was to pick the winner right now (since the title was stolen from Chris) it would be Elliot. Overall best vocal range and most versatile singer. If he wins though he will need personal dance instruction and a good dentist but I would by his CD as well. Taylor is a good performer but not the most versatile voice. Katherine good voice but not a crowd favorite I feel like. Although much like political election I didnt vote so I have absolutely no right to complain.

Last thing, I am asking that if you are my friend and are reading this I am asking that from this blog or conversation forward that I am confronted about gossiping. I was unaware how bad of a gossiper I was until I was talking to a friend last night. I guess what I thought was harmless isnt so harmless and what I thought goes unnoticed doesnt go unnoticed. I felt like a bad person because even though I dont always join in I dont stop it either. It happens at home, at work, with friends, with church. I have just gotten out of line with it and it is causing some stagnation in my relationship with God as well. I guess it is some of my own self esteem issues coming out. I feel that gossip is really a form of bullying and as many say bullying is really just victimizing someone else so that the attention never turns on you. Maybe it is a bit of that. Im not constantly talking about people or just making fun of people but it is what I think is "processing life out loud" that is really a just a nice phrase for gossip. Many times I am just talking about someone because I dont understand them or what they do or why they do it. I had to tell myself though that that is really just gossip too. I am going to do my best to not do it as much. So friends hold me accountable. Eventually I would like to be able to stop it enough that I myself can hold others accountable. For the moment though this is my thought. Any advice from other people on how they stop their self from gossip would be appreciated.
I dont think I can give up celebrity gossip though. That would just put me over the edge.

Im done for the moment. Maybe more later............

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

blah blah blah

My cabinets are in!!! Yippee. Now the real issue is here. Installation. Mike and Michelle have been ever so kind and have said they will help with all of that stuff but I think anytime there is demolition in your home it is scary. Billy is NOT looking forward to it. He hates the idea of even beginning a project that major. It will probably be another week or two before we start though.

So anyways...... the only other news is that I have received an A in one of my classes out of the two. The second is not in yet but I am so glad. I am hoping to finish my Masters with straight A's. So far I have already messed it up cause the dumb adjunct who taught one of my weekend seminars felt like being ridiculous and gave me an A- on a paper which was the only thing that determined a grade in that class. I apparently got one of the highest grades so she was just being a snot. So if I get straight As for the rest of the time I am here I will have a 3.997gpa. Whatever. Well I know this wasnt a real exciting blog but its my life. I will take boredom over total chaos which I have had before.

By the way I think I have a crush......Innocent but a crush all the same.....for those who care. Email me and I will tell ya about it. Uh oh!

Monday, May 08, 2006

great weekend

What a wonderful weekend I had. Saturday we got up early and worked out in the yard. I pulled weeds and hedge trimmed while Bill mowed the lawn. Emma took about a two hour nap allowing us to do this. Then she woke up happy and cheery so we got her little lawn mower out and we had some great pictures of her following Daddy with his lawn mower (I will try to post them soon). We then spent the afternoon together playing and napping and then we went to the mall to do some errands. The Disney store was fun yet tempting for our little Poopshy because she wanted everything. It is official my daughter is being raised by the television. In her small vocabulary of words like ball, bird, bee, dad, mom, water, bubble, duckie, etc. she can now say Disney. Yes she watches Playhouse Disney that much that she has learned the word. It comes out "Ninny."
She is just such a character! It has been a long tiime (I know it is sad) since all three of us have spent undivided time together. The fact that we spent over 48 hours together is a huge feat in our lives right now. We enjoyed every minute! No fighting, no tantrums, it was a blast. It helped that the weather was amazing.
Well I have trouble writing short posts so I am ending this one. So that people continue to read without needing to set aside an hour. :)