Wednesday, May 17, 2006

getting in my head............

I was talking with a friend about my blog and got to thinking. Why do I blog? I think people blog for all different reasons. Many use it as a daily activity log, others do deep thinking (deeper than I can fathom), others advertise, many just use it as journals. I think my reason is mainly the journaling but I feel like it is getting out all of the things going on in my head at that moment. Very therapeutic for me I guess. I keep wondering am I revealing too much of my deepest darkest thoughts? Will people think I am nuts? Am I losing my mysteriousness by letting people get inside my head. My head is a scary place to be. My blog is mainly for my friends and with a particular friend it is like written indirect communication because we seem to make reference to eachother and our blog posts in our individual blogs. BUT....anyone is able and more than welcome to read it and that is what actually adds the excitement. Someone might see it is really what keeps it intriguing.

Right now life is good. I have this new irrational thought for the day. What if Emma was my miracle and now that I am considering another what if I will have fertility problems the second time around?! Honestly no part of that is warranted. I have no symptoms of infertility, if anything having a baby has helped I just have this fear that I have been waiting all this time and when the time comes to try it wont happen for me. The thought hadnt really occurred to me until recently. I imagine as many of my irrational thoughts thoughm that this will too pass by the end of the day just in time for me to have a new one for tomorrow hence why I continue to have a blog. Irrational thoughts=venting blogs.


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