Im also on MYSPACE you know!
Well I made the myspacers aware that I blogged here but I havent made it known to the blog friends so Im letting you guys know now Great... Now that I have done for the day.....Well nothing all that new actually.
I do have some issues right now with my dreams though. Is this a common problem? I am constantly having dreams about my ex boyfriend who I havent seen or heard from in close to 5 years. We dated for over 5 years and didn't part on great terms. It seems like the dreams always relate to me running in to him through someone else and I keep saying to him seriously Im over it we can be friends now or at least nice to eachother and he either wants to try to be in a relationship with me or calls me every expletive in the book and tells me to leave him the hell alone. It has been all different scenarios too. Once on a fishing trip, the next it was a wedding, the next we were at a park. The dreams are frequent enough for me to think that is really odd. They seem to intensify though when I talk to his sister. My sister in law made me feel better though because I was telling her and my husband about the dreams and she was like I still dream about my ex too and hers is more than 10 years ago. She seems to equate it to a closure issue. That very well may be true because there wasnt closure at all. We dated for 5 1/2 years (the last year on and off) and I just called him one day and said I cant do this anymore I am done. We had several awkward interactions in the couple months following but the part that I think may be lingering is that I ended up dating (and now married to) his best friend (now ex). Now before you call me skankalicious or sleaze of the week realize that our relationship had plummeted long before we even became closer friends. I never cheated on him, or anything like that it just sort of fell into place after that.
Back to the dream is the issue. I have no desire to be with this man, or even really talk to him in my awake hours but it is the dreams that I keep thinking what is it trying to tell me. Should I initiate closure? That book I really thought was closed for me. I think I will let it be. No point inviting drama I guess. Anyone else have this issue? Would love some feedback!
I want to know that I am not completely bonkers.
On a lighter note though, I think I may be Bolingbrook's biggest motormouth!!! I was the next American Idol this morning in my car. I was singing Take Another Little Piece of My Heart (Janis style). If you ever happen to pull up to a woman who looks too young and cute to drive a black minivan singing a the top of her lungs complete with hand motions and gestures. Thats me. Just wave and smile as the nut drives past.
Thats it gotta go back to work!
I still dream most often about the guy I dated freshman year in high school. I do agree, it has to do something with closure because he is the only one where things were really left hanging.
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