Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It has been a few days I know. I have been crazy busy. Although this post will probably say 4 days ago I am actually doing it Friday. The weekend seems like it will be uneventful and actually sort of disappointing because I have a paper due next week. I have got senioritis except for the Masters Degree version. I am regularly annoyed with the fact that I even have to attend class. I just feel like I have been in school forever.

Anyways, back to the whole baby talk thing. My mood changes daily. At this point I am totally uninterested in having a second child anytime in the next few months. I thought about the idea of having one more summer to not be pregnant and all the things that go with that (exhaustion, feeling pukey, growing out of all my cute summer clothes etc.). I also thought about the fact that I am not ready to be "fragile" again. I dont want people saying "oh you cant do that you are pregnant." I am not talking like drinking, or narcotics or anything but like playing sports, or drinking a can of pop once in awhile, or having a little tuna, or feta cheese. Sounds ridiculous but all of the above were mentioned to me by the "professionals" you know those people who think they know it all about pregnancy but either they had kids and just think they know or they havent and just havent had any experience being there before so they go off of what they heard. I want one more summer of playing softball without having to get a pinch runner, although my teammates would probably appreciate that because I am slow. Since it has been about 9 months since I started this diet and have lost 55lbs, I would like to enjoy it.
Anyways my mood changes daily so check back tomorrow and I may want to procreate next week who knows.



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