Monday, May 22, 2006

I showered this weekend!

Leave it to me to have the corny titles. Well this weekend was enough showers to last me a lifetime. Dont get me wrong they both were great. Everybody seemed to have a good time and the guests of honor seemed to be happy so I guess things went well, I just think I ran myself non stop from Friday night until last night at 8:30. I pretty much just slept at my house. It definitely took a toll on my because my husband gave me the greatest early anniversary gift......a full blown, sneezy, snotty cold. I just want to go back home and go to bed. I cant do that though because I have already missed too much work for other issues in life so there really isnt any time for me to be sick. That is it for the complaining. I dont think I am dying so I need to just suck it up and move on. I think Billy thinks I am playing softball tonight which if he does he has another thing coming. I am sick and tired and I just want to go home and rest after work and hang out with my Emma.
Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary!!! We probably wont do much of anything since there is a softball game tomorrow night too. I think we will celebrate in a couple of weeks when life dies down a little. The major issue is a babysitter. We have tapped out the majority of our babysitters so it isnt easy to find someone. We also have the issue of we really dont spend enough time with Emma with school and work so the nights we could go out we prefer to be with our little girl. Most nights we are perfectly content hanging out the three of us. Friends are great and all but we love just being together as a family. We have the best time together hanging out. I think about how lucky we are to love eachother so much and it gets me thinking and praying about families who arent as fortunate. Billy and I fight but for the most part we are happy to be around eachother and recognize eachother as the greatest blessings in eachothers lives. We can entertain eachother for hours just by goofing off or playing a game together, or going for walks. This all happened pre-Emma so now she just adds the fun. I think about families who cant stand eachother or are divorced or on the verge of it and think about what went wrong. How is it that you plan a wedding go in front of witnesses and say till death do us part and then you decide that ummm..... this just isnt working and we need to separate. That separation can be even more detrimental if there are children involved. Divorce to me (unless there is an abuse situation going on) is a selfish decision because it says that I am unwilling to work this out and go through the grueling ordeal of making it right. Sometimes it is harder to stay than to go but so what. You said yes so stick it out and make it work. I recognize that my view stems from the fact that I dont think divorce should be an option or a right. My view is based on the faith that if God can move mountains with faith and prayer he can surely make your marriage work. I am sure that some people right now would be livid with my view and I can accept that. It is funny because it is a very rigid viewpoint for me. I live in the gray area with most stuff. I normally am not strongly opinionated on many things but this I am.

Okay didnt expect to go there with this post......sorry for the tangebnt. Dont send me too much hate mail.


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