Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I had a doctors appointment today and everything looks good. The baby's heartrate was 164 which to many people they believe girl. I am so okay with whatever pops out as long as it is a healthy happy child. I am so content with the gift of being able to have children that if God gave me all of one gender that would be the least of my problems or if I had one girl and one boy then so be it. Ive known more than one couple (actually more like 3 or 4 couples) that had to know exactly what the sex of their child was so that they could "prepare" themselves in case it wasn't what they wanted. I just find that so ridiculous. People actually think that way?! Call me oldfashioned but there are certain things in life we just arent supposed to plan! I guess for people who dont have trouble getting pregnant it becomes something that can be taken for granted. I havent had any trouble but with this topic (one of very few) I think I have a clear picture. I know people that want to have children and have been unsuccessful that at this point would hear these gender pickers and think how absolutely absurd it is. Now I understand that if you have lets say two of the same and you would like to have the other gender, I think that is fine. To want to have a boy when you have had two girls and this is your last planned pregnancy then I can understand that and cant say that I wont "want" a boy if I happen to have two girls. My issue lies in the devastation that has been described to me on more than one occasion and not only by the Moms but the Dads too. Maybe I am missing a piece of the puzzle here I dont know but seriously talking to someone that has seen women with real devastation when every month they take a pregnancy test and every month it is negative puts things a little bit more in perspective or knowing women who have gone through painful procedures to reproduce and taken medication that has made them literally sick makes me realize that happy and healthy really should be the goal here.

Can I just say that my ranting probably stems mostly from pregnancy hormones


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