Lets say you had a project due for your Masters level cognitive and behavioral therapy class. The project consisted of showing a tape of you doing cognitive therapy. You film it just fine but realize later that evening that the video camera has just quit working. The camera that just worked hours before with no problem. So you grin and bare it. You then think how can I get a camera to do the rest of this project which requires me writing a treatment plan and a bunch of other things that Im sure you dont really need to know. ........ANYWAYS.....so you borrow a camera and think that it should work. Since you have know connector cords or anything to this camera you borrow from a classmate. Now it is Wednesday the day of the big project. You have a camera so you think best to bring it in to Best Buy to service it. After spending your entire lunch break there you realize that not only is your camera not working, and not going to be covered under the extended warranty (that you paid good money for)because there is visible damage on the outside, your camera has been broken further while there (whose fault is still up for grabs), it will also take approximately 2-4weeks to repair You dont think more of it other than boy I hope they send the tape back that is stuck in there because there is some really great pictures of Emma on there. You go to class start cueing up the tape when you realize hmmm.....should there be pictures of Emma on your Cognitive Behavioral therapy tape? If it was your cognitive behavioral therapy tape. CRAP!! MY TAPE IS AT BESTBUY stuck in the camera that will be sent off to Sony and take 2-4 weeks to return. I am really lucky that I am brown noser most other days because I dont think he (my prof) would have laughed it off with other students. Can you top that craziness?! The suckiest part is no one to blame. At least if I could say something bad about Best Buy I would feel better but I dont know that it is necessarily their fault. I am over it though today. I realize that life has to go on and I suppose this will give me the opportunity to do better on the tape next week. Im guessing this is where I should say that this kind of stuff always happens for a reason. We will see next week.....
And now for other news. The baby itch thing. On a scale of 1-10 for intensity it is like at a 8 or 9. My friend wants to get pregnant, two of my other friends are pregnant AND going to take a water aerobics class. I ALWAYS wanted to do that but never had anyone to do it with when I was pregnant. My other friend just had a her second baby on Monday. AND.......Britney (you know Spears) is pregnant again. K-Fed is a fertile Myrtle! That man shoots with sniper- like proficiency. Wow getting a little bit more metaphorically graphic then I was hoping for......as I was saying, so yeah pregnancy is all around me, above me and under me. I cant get around it. It makes me think of all the excitement. The thing is though I know Im not ready because my excitement is strictly around getting the positive result, feeling the baby move, and the actual first moments after delivery. The rest I am like eh.. whatever. That is better then last update though because the feelings were more like God help me if I have to do the rest again. See I am moving in a positive direction or maybe not depending on who's view it is.
And lastly, can I just say that by far my little girl is the cutest thing in life. Before yall get offended realize that I believe that because I am her mother and because you think the same things about your kids AND.... she is the cutest thing in life. The little words she is saying right now are just so cute....like bubble, duckie, and wall, more, nelly, and sh*t......yes I think she may have repeated my husband the other day without him realizing it. I tried not to draw attention to it but the shhhh came out and I thought great she is going to go to church on Sunday in the Nursery and curse when the kid takes the toy away from her well...no... more like she will take the toy awayf rom them and say sh*t someone saw me do that. We will have to be watching our mouths much more apparently.
Leaving work gotta go. It is already after 6:30. Bye