Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I havent posted in months and although it seems to be that I tend to post infrequently in general this is an exceptionally long time for me to not to run my mouth via blog.

Not a whole lot has happened since my last post. I am still pregnant although the clock is ticking away at 11 weeks remaining. So far I am further along in my pregnancy without complications or worries. At 28 weeks with my daughter they had been thinking she could have some problems because she had assymmetrical growth and was measuring small overall. I understand it was all precautionary but it still scared me and it ended up being all over nothing thank God! She ended up healthy and happy....just smaller then most kids her age but what she lacks in size she makes up for in strong personality. In her own words..Im the boss! Right now it is cute to hear her say but I can only imagine in even a year from now how "Im the boss" is going to be challenge words that end in many timeouts for my little one.
This pregnancy however is very much different in terms of feeling pregnant. My first pregnancy I was very much energized and I remained active for the whole 9 months. This pregnancy I hurt more. Everything hurts. I stand up and I am sure my guts are going to fall out. I move the wrong way and I get a cramp, if baby2 is kicking I am likely to spasm wherever that foot, elbow, head seems to hit. I dont sleep and feel as full all the time as I do after Thanksgiving dinner. I just dont remember feeling so.....pregnant with Emma. Most people say that I seem to be "popping out" more this time around and for many factors I am sure. They say you show more your second time, plus I lost alot of weight after my last one...granted I put a bit back on but I am still smaller than I was, and this baby is already measuring much much bigger then Emma was at this stage. All these factors I am sure play a huge role in my appearance. I still feel as though I have a long way to go and I remember feeling this but with my daughter it was like 3 weeks till my due date and I felt these things. With this one I am still 11 weeks out from my due date and am wondering how in the world I will make it till then. Either way baby has some more cookin' to do so I am not wishing labor at this point at all. Just hoping that by baby #3 I will have found a cureall for pregnancy ailments...thus far no luck.

Other things... have you ever had a piece of clothing that was doomed from the time you purchased it. I have had a few but it seems when you are in a desperate clothing situation it only gets worse.....let me explain. I buy a shirt from Motherhood maternity. It was on clearance and although motherhood is not my favorite store to shop in because of their lack of selection (understatement) of plus size maternity clothing I decided to try it in a fashion emergency. Well I found the shirt, loved the shirt and had to try it on. It was the only one in my size and being on clearance no chance their was going to be another one. I went to try it on and as I am putting it on I hear a stitch pop. Now it wasnt that the shirt was too small it just happened to be that I pushed my arm too far out...ladies you know what I am talking about, either way I should have taken it as the first sign of doom. So I check for damages and all is good no tears or rips. I admire how cute the shirt is and realize that I have not felt good in an item of clothing in months so I buy it without hesitation. Take it home and without washing it put it on and wear it to church. Great. Take it home that night and wash it. Everything is fine at this point up until I take it out of the dryer. Somehow I have gotten what looks like a rust stain on the shirt small but in a noticeable spot. I scramble frantically through the rest of the dryer thinking all of my clothes have this on it but luckily just my favorite shirt. This is all about 15 minutes before I leave for work. I go brush my teeth and in the midst of brushing my teeth and making sure my daughter is brushing her teeth I spill toothpaste on it. I am now scurrying for another shirt. I have not worn this shirt now in weeks and figured I would give it one more try rust stain and all. I wear it to work today and loving the cuteness of the shirt and my luck...I spill juice from a roast beef sandwich on it which is also in a most noticeable spot. Yep grease stain. I feel like it was not meant to be for this shirt and I. I have now worn the shirt once without flaw (minus the invisible stitch pop) but every other time I have worn it it has failed me or I have failed it. Pointless story I know but being as hormonal as I am I feel like this shirt situation has triggered emotions in me that I didnt know I had for apparel. Anyways. This story alone will probably be the reason people stop reading my blog entirely.